PSA | Stronger
Role: Cinematographer
A girl who's suffered the detrimental effects of bullying and is isolated. As she grows though, the words that her in the beginning, empower her in the end.
Short Film | Nostalgia
Role: Cinematographer, director, editor
In life as we grow old, all we want is to be younger. We look back on everything we wanted to become, and if we accomplished our biggest aspirations. We have nostalgia. Nostalgia is normal.
Short Film | Blind Senses
Role: Cinematographer
In this award winning short film, it follows a man who was madly in love with his girlfriend, but after sudden tragedy, he is left blind and the only way to go back to the memories of her, is through his imagination.
Documentary | Jerusalem: The Internal City (50th Anniversary)
Role: Cinematographer, director, editor
On the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem's independence, the country comes together in celebration and chants " מאחדת מאוחדת" (Today We Are Unified)
PSA | Labels
Role: Cinematographer, director, editor
In this modern day of age, we are all labeled. Muslim, Mentally Ill, Stupid, etc. Labels hurt. Behind every label, there's a real person. Don't be afraid to show your true self.